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Long lost treasures

EachMoment haven't just 'unlocked' the memories on the tape, they've also cleaned up the sound and picture, boosted the volume and the running speed is now correct. It's like stepping back in time, our dearly departed parents and other relatives - then so young - each having a turn at talking, singing at the camera. It sends warm shivers down the spine! I can't recommend highly enough. EachMoment haven't just 'unlocked' the memories on the tape, they've also cleaned up the sound and picture, boosted the volume and the running speed is now correct. It's like stepping... EachMoment haven't just 'unlocked' the memories on the tape, they've also cleaned up the sound and picture, boosted the volume and the running speed is now correct. It's like stepping back in time, our dearly departed parents and other relatives - then so young - each having a turn at talking, singing at the camera. It sends warm shivers down the spine! I can't recommend highly enough.

After trying to remember lost loved ones

After trying to remember lost loved ones voices, we found old video tapes and after searching the internet for a company to try and digitalise them we came across each moment. They managed to clean and restore and put them all on a memory stick that we can watch for ever now! I’ve loved watching them, absolutely fantastic so would highly recommended this company. After trying to remember lost loved ones voices, we found old video tapes and after searching the internet for a company to try and digitalise them we came across each... After trying to remember lost loved ones voices, we found old video tapes and after searching the internet for a company to try and digitalise them we came across each moment. They managed to clean and restore and put them all on a memory stick that we can watch for ever now! I’ve loved watching them, absolutely fantastic so would highly recommended this company.

Last night I heard my grandmother's…

Last night I heard my grandmother's voice reading a Christmas poem for the first time in over 30 years. She passed away in 1990, and after her death I found a cassette tape, mangled in a tape player. I kept it, hoping one day to find a way to restore it. EachMoment restored that tape, and this year on the day of her birthday, her great-grandchildren will hear her voice for the first time, and her children, now grandparents themselves, will hear their mother's voice again as well. There are no words that can adequately express my gratitude. Last night I heard my grandmother's voice reading a Christmas poem for the first time in over 30 years. She passed away in 1990, and after her death I found... Last night I heard my grandmother's voice reading a Christmas poem for the first time in over 30 years. She passed away in 1990, and after her death I found a cassette tape, mangled in a tape player. I kept it, hoping one day to find a way to restore it. EachMoment restored that tape, and this year on the day of her birthday, her great-grandchildren will hear her voice for the first time, and her children, now grandparents themselves, will hear their mother's voice again as well. There are no words that can adequately express my gratitude.

EachMoment rescued 30 Hi8 analogue…

EachMoment rescued 30 Hi8 analogue camcorder tapes. 45 hours of family memories. I could not plly them on my camcorder and thought I had lost them forever. Some of the tapes are over 30yrs old.The technical department has managed to extract restore and digitise nearly everything!Now all those memories are available to the whole family to share on whatsapp and stream on our TV whenever they come round! Love it. EachMoment rescued 30 Hi8 analogue camcorder tapes. 45 hours of family memories. I could not plly them on my camcorder and thought I had lost them forever. Some of the... EachMoment rescued 30 Hi8 analogue camcorder tapes. 45 hours of family memories. I could not plly them on my camcorder and thought I had lost them forever. Some of the tapes are over 30yrs old.The technical department has managed to extract restore and digitise nearly everything!Now all those memories are available to the whole family to share on whatsapp and stream on our TV whenever they come round! Love it.

Long ago cherished memories

The items we sent to be converted from VHS tapes to DVD's, an Audio tape cassette to CD and negatives and slides to a memory stick were excellently done. Everyone who has seen and heard the finished articles has been very impressed. Excellent value for money and has been recommended several times. The items we sent to be converted from VHS tapes to DVD's, an Audio tape cassette to CD and negatives and slides to a memory stick were excellently done. Everyone... The items we sent to be converted from VHS tapes to DVD's, an Audio tape cassette to CD and negatives and slides to a memory stick were excellently done. Everyone who has seen and heard the finished articles has been very impressed. Excellent value for money and has been recommended several times.

Excellent service

It is very easy to place an order as everything is organised by EachMoment. I ordered the digitisation of a large quantity of old Super 8 Cine film, Video 8 tapes, VHS tapes and photographic negatives. The process took about 3 weeks due to the quantity but it was well worth waiting for. I was absolutely delighted by the results and I feel reconnected with my past and people who were in my life as far back as the early 1950s. Incredible ! It is very easy to place an order as everything is organised by EachMoment. I ordered the digitisation of a large quantity of old Super 8 Cine film, Video 8... It is very easy to place an order as everything is organised by EachMoment. I ordered the digitisation of a large quantity of old Super 8 Cine film, Video 8 tapes, VHS tapes and photographic negatives. The process took about 3 weeks due to the quantity but it was well worth waiting for. I was absolutely delighted by the results and I feel reconnected with my past and people who were in my life as far back as the early 1950s. Incredible !


I sent in a large number of old slides and video tapes to be digitised some of which were in very poor condition. Each Moment did a fantastic job of capturing the images digitally for me. Professional service, friendly helpful staff. Will be using again and would recommend. I sent in a large number of old slides and video tapes to be digitised some of which were in very poor condition. Each Moment did a fantastic job of... I sent in a large number of old slides and video tapes to be digitised some of which were in very poor condition. Each Moment did a fantastic job of capturing the images digitally for me. Professional service, friendly helpful staff. Will be using again and would recommend.

Wonderful service and wonderful results

I bought a mixed box of old tapes and cassettes, some in poor condition and the team at Each Moment worked their magic.I now have many happy memories that would otherwise have been lost.They are a brilliant company, professional and efficient and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them, or urge others to salvage memories before their lost! I bought a mixed box of old tapes and cassettes, some in poor condition and the team at Each Moment worked their magic.I now have many happy memories that would... I bought a mixed box of old tapes and cassettes, some in poor condition and the team at Each Moment worked their magic.I now have many happy memories that would otherwise have been lost.They are a brilliant company, professional and efficient and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them, or urge others to salvage memories before their lost!

A lot of videocam footage transferred quickly.

I needed to get a lot of videocam cassette footage transferred as a surprise for a 70th birthday at relatively short notice. The team were very helpful when approached and were able to get me online access to the 39 tapes before I received the USBs so I could select specific videos for the party. One tape was also returned and cleaned up very quickly when it was found to have some tracking interference. We now have some great memories restored to share with the family and our grandchildren. I needed to get a lot of videocam cassette footage transferred as a surprise for a 70th birthday at relatively short notice. The team were very helpful when approached and... I needed to get a lot of videocam cassette footage transferred as a surprise for a 70th birthday at relatively short notice. The team were very helpful when approached and were able to get me online access to the 39 tapes before I received the USBs so I could select specific videos for the party. One tape was also returned and cleaned up very quickly when it was found to have some tracking interference. We now have some great memories restored to share with the family and our grandchildren.

  • 1. Naročite spominsko škatlo

    Škatla za spomin prispe na vaš prag. Napolnite jo z vsemi starimi mediji. Mi jo vrnemo prek najvarnejšega kurirja v Združenem kraljestvu, in to brezplačno!

  • 2. Strokovno digitalizirano

    Vsak element, ki potrebuje pozornost, brezplačno varno očistimo in popravimo. Vaše spomine digitaliziramo v najboljši možni kakovosti. Naš varen kurir vrne vašo škatlo za spomin z digitalnimi spomini in starimi mediji.

  • 3. Delite in uživajte

    Zdaj lahko dragocene spomine delite in podoživljate v kateri koli digitalni napravi. Smejte se in jokajte, ko boste videli stare čase in stare obraze, ki bodo ponovno oživeli. Počutite se varne, saj veste, da so vaši spomini za vedno na varnem.

Klepetajte z našim tehnikom

Pogovorite se z nami o svojem projektu digitalizacije za takojšnjo ponudbo in izvedite, kako lahko izkoristite naše popuste. 💡 Prav tako nam lahko pošljete slike svoje zbirke; naši strokovnjaki jih bodo pregledali in vam posredovali povratne informacije.




Restavriranje in Digitalizacija Industrijske Kakovosti

Pridobite ponudbo

Leta smo razvijali vodilni proces v industriji za izboljšanje in obnovo kakovosti filmskega traku—včasih starega več kot 100 let—with dosledno odličnimi rezultati. Naš izpopolnjeni proces nam omogoča ponuditi konkurenčne cene ter digitalizacijo svetovnega razreda.

  • Cloud-Album

    Z možnostjo Album v oblaku lahko digitalizirane medije shranite na spletu, do njih dostopate kadar koli in jih prenesete, kadar koli želite.

  • Komplet DVD-jev

    Z možnostjo DVD lahko svoje spomine predvajate na predvajalniku DVD, računalniku ali drugih združljivih napravah.

  • USB Klasična

    USB Classic je prenosna možnost za prenašanje medijev s seboj ali njihovo varno shranjevanje.

  • USB Premium

    Naš ključek USB Premium je pakiran v darilni škatli in je kot nalašč za obdarovanje ali kot premišljen način obujanja starih spominov.

"EachMoment je naša prva izbira za pretvorbo medijev. Njihova storitev zbiranja od vrat do vrat nam omogoča hitro in varno zbiranje stare družinske zgodovine od sodelavcev za naše dokumentarne filme. Hitrost in kakovost vedno presegata naša pričakovanja, zato je sodelovanje z njimi zelo enostavno."

Odgovori na vaša vprašanja

Kakšen je celoten postopek od začetka do konca?

Spodaj boste našli celoten postopek od začetka do konca, in sicer v vseh podrobnostih!

  1. Zahtevajte brezplačno in nezavezujočo ponudbo ali stopite v stik z nami, da vam lahko pomagamo
  2. Izberite, ali želite, da vam pošljemo brezplačni opomnik, ali pa želite, da vas najprej pokličemo in se dogovorimo o nadaljnjih podrobnostih.
  3. Prejeli boste brezplačno škatlo z opomniki. Za vrnitev si lahko vzamete toliko časa, kolikor želite. Prav tako si lahko kadar koli premislite. Če naše storitve ne želite več uporabljati, vam škatle ni treba vrniti ali zanjo plačati. Škatla je vaša!
  4. Stare medije, ki jih želite digitalizirati, položite v spominsko škatlo. Digitaliziramo vse podvrste videokaset, zvočnih kaset, kinematografskih filmov in fotografij.
  5. Ko ste pripravljeni, lahko škatlo za opomnike odnesete na odjemno mesto UPS ali pa se prek našega portala dogovorite za prevzem pri UPS. Če želite, lahko tudi sami organizirate dostavo.
  6. Vašo škatlo za opomnike prejmemo v našem laboratoriju. Naša logistična ekipa pregleda vaše izdelke. Če se pojavijo kakšne posebnosti, vas bomo poklicali ali vam poslali elektronsko sporočilo in posodobili vašo ponudbo.
  7. Vaše predmete bomo pregledali glede poškodb, plesni in prahu. Če jih bo treba popraviti ali očistiti, bo to opravljeno brez dodatnih stroškov.
  8. Vaše gradivo bo naša tehnična ekipa digitalizirala s posebno tehnologijo. Če želite izvedeti več o naših postopkih za posamezne vrste medijev, preberite razdelek "Kaj obdelujemo" v glavnem meniju.
  9. Vaši digitalizirani spomini bodo naloženi v brezplačni spletni album. Poslali vam bomo povezavo do albuma, da boste lahko preverili kakovost. Če s katerim koli vidikom digitalizacije ne boste zadovoljni, se bomo potrudili, da boste zadovoljni.
  10. Če ste z rezultati zadovoljni, lahko izberete, ali želite svoje spomine shraniti na ključ USB ali na DVD. Odločite se lahko tudi za brezplačni spletni album.
  11. Ko bodo končani vsi prenosi v izbrane izhodne formate, vam bomo poslali spletni račun. Za lažje plačilo uporabljamo splošno priznano storitev Stripe.
  12. UPS bo vašo škatlo Memory Box varno prepeljal do vašega doma. Vsebuje vaše izvirne medije in nove digitalne spomine.
  13. Zdaj je čas, da se družina zbere in preživi večer filmskih spominov! Smejte se in jokajte, ko boste skupaj podoživljali stare čase.

Naša prijazna in strokovna ekipa za storitve za stranke vam je vedno na voljo za pomoč med celotnim postopkom.

Kaj lahko prenesem v digitalno obliko?

Spodaj je seznam predmetov, ki jih običajno digitaliziramo. Če tu ne vidite svoje vrste medija, stopite v stik z nami, saj ga verjetno lahko digitaliziramo.

Video trakovi

  • VHS
  • VHS-C
  • Mini DV
  • Hi8
  • Digital8
  • Video8
  • Umatic
  • Micro MV
  • Betamax
  • Betacam

Cine Film

  • Super 8
  • 8mm
  • 9.5mm
  • 16mm
  • 35mm

Zvočni trakovi

  • Kasete
  • Od koluta do koluta
  • Mikro kasete
  • Mini kasete
  • Trak DAT


  • Diapozitivi
  • Odtisi
  • Negativi
  • APS
  • Stekleni negativi
  • Fotoalbumi


  • CD
  • DVD
  • Mini diski
  • Blu Ray

Kako so shranjeni digitalni spomini?

Na voljo imate 4 možnosti. Zagotavljamo vam, da bo ena možnost zadostovala za celotno naročilo.

1.Album v oblaku - vključen je v vsako naročilo. Z njim lahko svoje spomine preprosto delite s pomembnimi osebami, ne glede na to, kje na svetu so.

2.Premium USB - Ta čudovit komplet kristalnega pomnilnika in darilne škatle je najbolj priljubljena izbira za darila. To je popoln paket za darilo dragocenih spominov.

3.Klasični USB - ta trpežna jeklena pomnilniška kartica je kot nalašč za ustvarjanje fizične varnostne kopije najpomembnejših družinskih spominov.

4. DVD-ji - enostavna izbira za tiste, ki imajo predvajalnik DVD.

Koliko USB-jev, DVD-jev ali albumov v oblaku potrebujem?

Vaš brezplačni album v oblaku bo vseboval celotno vaše naročilo. Naročilu lahko dodate komplete USB ali DVD. Za shranjevanje celotnega naročila potrebujete le enega od njih, lahko pa jih naročite več. USB Premium je priljubljena izbira za obdarovanje.

Nisem prepričan, kaj je v mojih medijih. Naj jih vseeno dam v pomnilniško škatlo?

Morda ne boste vedeli, ali je izdelek prazen ali ne. Če se izkaže, da je prazen, vam bomo povrnili ceno izdelka.

Moj medij je poškodovan, plesniv itd. Ali ga lahko popravite?

Če prejmemo izdelek v slabem stanju, ga bomo očistili in popravili brez dodatnih stroškov. Če predmeta ni mogoče obnoviti do stanja, v katerem ga je mogoče digitalizirati, vam bomo za ta predmet vrnili denar.

Kako dolgo moram čakati?

V vseh letih našega delovanja je povprečni čas obdelave 3 do 4 tedne, vendar se lahko spreminja. Vodja laboratorija tukaj redno posodablja čas obdelave: Povprečni čas obdelave je 1 teden. Lahko nas tudi pokličete, pošljete e-pošto ali se z nami pogovarjate, da bi izvedeli trenutni čas obdelave.

Ali lahko gledam tudi na televiziji?

Da. Če imate pametni televizor, lahko USB priključite neposredno na televizor ali se prijavite v album v oblaku.

Če imate televizor s priključkom HMDI, lahko namizni ali prenosni računalnik nanj priključite s kablom HDMI.

Ne vidite svojega vprašanja?

Tu smo, da vam pomagamo